Shelters, Domestic Violence, and Homelessness Resources
OVERNIGHT SHELTERS (Updated 1/28/2021)
Any of these shelters may close temporarily to new guests due to COVID-19 and/or may require COVID test before stay
Heading Home: (see
Westside Emergency Housing Ctr (adult Men & Women) The Center is open 24/7 under COVID (3 meals/day) Pickups for individuals: Coronado Park (2-7 pm 7 days/wk)
God’s Warehouse (5:30pm 7 days), HopeWorks, Sun-Fri 5:30), Steelbridge, 2021 2nd St NW (north of I-40) – only women & phys. disabled (Sat-Fri: 4, 5 & 7:30); these parks (4 pm 7 days/wk): Phil Chacon, Jack & Jill, Wilson; First Nations clinic (4:45 pm) Families may or may not be allowed to stay due to COVID-19 & should call 595-6547 to find out & ask about a motel room
AOC Men’s Shelter (no walk-ins), 715 Candelaria NE
--call 8:30 am (M-F) or 9:30 am (Sat/Sun)............................. 505-344-4340
Barrett House (women & children -- boys under 18)
--call 8:00 am or later (may be a waitlist).............................. 505-243-4887
Joy Junction (women & families (1 or 2 parent), limited # of men)
--4500 2nd St. SW (call to find out if open)........................ 505-877-6967
Youth Shelters (or Youth Drop-In)*
*NOTE: look for * for young people’s services
Amistad, ages 12–17 (24 hours)................................................ 505-877-0371
New Day, ages 11–17 (24 hours)............................................... 505-938-1060
Casa Q (for LGBTQ+ youth ages 14-17)................................. 505-872-2099
Harbour Drop-In (14-21) (Tu-F 9am-7pm) 126 Gen. Chennault NE
Domestic Violence Shelters (call 24/7)
Safe House (in Albuquerque)................................................................................ 505-247-4219
Haven House (in Rio Rancho)............................................................................. 505-896-4869
Valencia Shelter for DV (in Valencia County)................................................ 505-864-1383
Meal Sites
HopeWorks, 1201 3rd St. NW …………………… 505-764-8231 x2 Mon-Fri: Breakfast (9-10 am); Lunch (12-1 pm); Dinner (5-6 pm) Sat: Dinner (5-6 pm); Sun: Meal to go (10:30-11:30 am)
--Note: campus is open Sat (2:30-6:30 pm) and Sun (7-11 am)
The Rock at Noon Day, 2400 2nd St. NW
Tues-Fri and Sun: Lunch (12-12:30); Sun (11:30)
Albuquerque Indian Center, 105 Texas SE........................ 505-268-1751
Mon thru Fri: Breakfast (9:00-10:00); Lunch (noon-1:00)
Good Shepherd Center, 218 Iron SW …..…505-243-2527 x100
Mon thru Fri: Dinner (3-4pm); Sat: Lunch (11:30 am)
All Nations Wellness & Healing Center, 6416 Zuni SE Mon to Fri: Breakfast (7:30-9:00); Lunch (12-1:30) 505-717-2704
God’s Warehouse, 8011 Central NE (Tennessee)
Tues and Fri: 3-6:30 pm hot meal (+ cold meal to go); clothing Sat: 8 pm hot meal (7pm church) Sun hot meal (after 5pm church) Pastor Chuck: 505-234-4251 (answers calls M-F 8-5 only)
Family Services
Childcare Finder: or call…1-800-691-9067 Title I (APS program for homeless students) …. 505-256-8239 x0
Cuidando los Ninos (CLN) homeless child care ……. 505-843-6899
(for ages 6 weeks to pre-K)
MCH Family Outreach (case management)............................. 505-255-8740
WIC sign-up (prenatal care + nutritious food) ……. 505-841-8929 x4
Kinship Navigator (Pegasus Law) 1-855-546-1212 (855- KIN-1212)
(for grandparents and other relatives raising children)
PB&J Family Services............................................................ 505-877-7060
NAPPR (Native American families) 505-345-6289
YDI (childcare & youth programs)........................... 505-352-3444
PB&J Family Services........................................................... 505-877-7060
Wings for L.I.F.E. Int’l (families of incarcerated & RC)..................................505-291-6412
Family Promise (homeless parents—transitional Housing—may be a waitlist).................................................................................... 505-268-0331
Immigrant and Refugee Services
Lutheran Family Services……………………...…505-933-7032
Catholic Charities (including DACA)…..................505-724-4670
NM Immigrant Law Center……………….......……505-247-1023
First Nations Zuni Clinic 5608 Zuni Road SE ….….505-262-2481 --all immigrants can walk in or call
Encuentro NM ………………………………………….505-247-2920
Asian Family Center …………………………………505-717-2877
Food Assistance
Storehouse, 106 Broadway SE (W-Sat 9-12)................... 505-842-6491
Rio Grande Food Project 600 Coors SW (M/W/F/Sat) 505-831-3778 Salvation Army, 4301 Bryn Mawr Dr. NE …..…… 505-872-1171, x2 Meals on Wheels................................................................................................ 505-823-8060
City of ABQ Dept. of Senior Affairs (60+)........................ 505-764-6400
Silver Horizons (50+) (food, utilities)......................... 505-884-3881
Roadrunner Food Bank ( or call.......................... 505-349-5340
Housing Coordinated Entry (NMCEH)................................ 505-217-9570
HUD Subsidized/Tax Credit housing: Albuquerque Housing Authority ( 505-764-3920
--1840 University SE
Bernalillo County Housing Dept. (
--1900 Bridge SW............................................... 505-314-0200
Veteran Integration Center (VIC), 13032 Central SE .........505-265-0512
Therapeutic Living Services (TLS)-mental illness............. 505-268-5295
Goodwill Supportive Services for Veteran Families
Apply at……. 881-6401 x1842
Transitional Housing
Oxford Houses (sober living) (men & women) … 575-224-9711 Good Shepherd Center Fresh Start 6+mo. Substance Use Recovery Program (male or male presenting) 505-243-2527 x202 Salvation Army Men’s Rehab Program 505-242-3112
Steelbridge residential programs (Bible-based, men & women)
--214 Coal SW (call first M-F 8:30-4:30)..................................... 505-346-4673
Legal Assistance
NM Legal Aid (civil matters only)................................. 1-833-545-4357
Public Defender, 505 Marquette NW (Compass Bank).............................. 505-369-3600
Metro Court (ext. 1 for warrant status)........................................ 505-841-8151
Outreach Court (homeless only--misdemeanors)....................... 505-273-1105
Medical, Mental Health and Recovery
Victims of Violence
Family Advocacy Center (FAC) – any violence, inc. stalking
--625 Silver SW (2nd floor) – calls taken........................... 505-243-2333
Domestic Violence Resource Center (in FAC)
-- (M-F 8-5, appointment only, but call 24/7)........................ 505-248-3165
National DV phone no. (24 hours)............................. 1-800-799-7233
Rape Crisis Center (2 offices -- one is in Family Advocacy Ctr)
--625 Silver SW (2nd flr) - call first (M-F 8-5)........................... 505-266-7712
--Rape Crisis Center’s 24/7 hotline............................. 505-266-7711
Enlace Comunitario (DV-Espanol)...................................... 505-246-8972
Casa Forteleza (sexual violence).......................................... 505-910-4031
StrongHearts Native Helpline
--(native women) (6 am - 9 pm).................................. 1-844-762-8483
First Nations (FNCH) programs: DV 262-6043
--Human Trafficking.... (705-3356); Sex Trafficking..... 505-375-8518
--VOCA (for all other victims of crime)------------ 505-375-8514
Street Safe NM (sex trafficked women).................... 505-999-1393
Life Link trafficking hotline: 505-GET-FREE (505-438-3733)
victims of trafficking call or text (& info for general public)
Other Crisis Hotlines/Helplines
Poison Center/Medication Info.................................... 1-800-222-1222
NMCAL Crisis Line 24/7 (therapist)................................. 1-855-662-7474
NMCAL Warm Line (peer support).................................. 1-855-466-7100
----------Call 3:30-11:30 pm 7 days/week; or text 6-11 pm
(Download NMConnect app for easy access to NMCAL)
Agora 24/7 Crisis Line............................................................... 505-277-3013
National Suicide Prevention Hotline............................. 1-800-273-8255
Veterans Crisis Line …………………...… 1-800 273-8255, x1
Adult Abuse/Neglect Hotline.................................................... 505-476-4912
Child Abuse/Neglect Hotline (CYFD) …1-855-333-SAFE(7233)
ABQ Dept. of Senior Affairs info line............................. 505-764-6400
Aging & Disability Resource Ctr (NMALTSD) 1-800-432-2080
Equality New Mexico (LGBTQ advocacy: 505-224-2766
****CALL 311 for info about any City of ABQ services****
City of Albuquerque Health & Social Services Centers (HSSC) – one in each quadrant of ABQ
Community Centers
Alamosa Center, 6900 Gonzales SW..................................... 505-836-8807
Los Griegos Center, 1231 Candelaria NW............................ 505-761-4050
John Marshall Center, 1500 Walter SE................................ 505-848-1345
East Central Center, 7525 Zuni SE........................................ 505-767-5700
Food (walk-in) (call 311 to find out which center serves your residential address)
Clothing & diapers only at these centers: Los Griegos and East Central (available to anyone in Albuquerque regardless of address, but call for appointment)
Rent & utility assistance (call 311 to find out which center serves your residential address,, then call ctr for screening)
See for listing of on-site agencies at each center (appt only now)
This list is for information purposes. The Treehouse does not endorse any of the following programs. To have your listing added to this please email